Using copyright material

Under the Copyright Act, permission to use copyright material is not required when:

  • You own the copyright in the work.
  • The University of Melbourne owns the copyright. University staff members can use University of Melbourne copyright owned material for University of Melbourne teaching or business purposes. However, if University of Melbourne staff members wish to use University of Melbourne copyright owned material for non-University purposes, they will need to seek permission.
  • Copyright in the work has expired.
  • An insubstantial portion is being copied or communicated.
  • The material is being used under an express licence or permission, e.g. a contract, website conditions, copyright owner has explicitly waived copyright, etc.
  • The proposed use is an instance of fair dealing.  The limits and rules under the fair dealing provisions, must be observed. Fair dealing may include research and study, providing access by a person with a disability, criticism and review, and parody and satire.
  • Material is being used for educational purposes for the University as described in the Statutory Licence provisions. University staff rely on the Statutory Licence provisions to reproduce or communicate course material to students.
  • Copying recorded music for educational purposes or performing at a University event or performing for educational purposes as covered by the music licence.
  • Reproducing material for personal use, with the limits and rules under the personal use provisions observed.
  • Reproducing material in an accessible format to assist a student with a disability.
  • A University Library or Archives staff member reproduces copyright material held in the library collection for Preservation purposes or other library purposes.
  • The proposed use fits the definition of a "certain special purposes" under s200AB, as advised by the Copyright Office. For more information contact the Copyright Office.

You must always acknowledge any material that you use.

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