Copyright and teaching

The Copyright Act includes a number of provisions that allow copyright material to be used for teaching.

Copyright and the LMS

Readings Online can make textual material and images available on the LMS for you and ensure that all the copyright requirements are met. For more information, see Readings Online.

If you wish to make material available yourself, you must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Limit the types and amounts of material.
  2. Acknowledge all material with a proper and accurate citation.
  3. Display the required copyright warning notices.
  4. Restrict access to staff and students involved in the subject. Access can be granted to external people who assist with teaching or administering the subject.

Only legitimate copies of material can be used, so be careful when using material from the web. If you have trouble locating legitimate copies, please contact us.

Copyright and handouts

If you wish to make copyright material available as a handout in class, the following conditions apply:

  1. Limit the types and amounts of material.
  2. Acknowledge all material with a proper and accurate citation.

There are no limits on the number of copies that you can make. If there are 400 students in the course, you can make 400 copies of the handout, plus spares.

Use the side menu to find out more about copyright and teaching topics.